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The Importance of Training and Coaching Your Financial Officers
leadership pillar
There is never a bad time for you to focus on the professional development of your team. Finding the time is another matter. It’s easy to defer the investment until “it’s more convenient” or the “new version is released”. By the time you reach those timelines, it may be too late. Your team has left or isn’t capable of performing to the standards you expect. It’s not on them. It’s on you. Make sure you carve out time, the big hurdle, and budget, normally a smaller hurdle, to keep your team performing to your standards. It will increase the individual’s professional value, create value for the company and improve the bonds between all parties. Show you care about their future, and yours while instilling a professional growth culture at your business. Prepare your AFT departments to move your company to the next level.Your Accounting, Finance and Treasury (AFT) departments play an important role that enables your company to move to the next level. The Senior Financial Officer is the cornerstone of that group. New Senior Financial Officers can be blindsided by critical business events they have never faced before. If they and their staff are not prepared to tackle these challenges, your company may stagnate, or possibly, fail. Even seasoned CFOs who have been with the same company or in the same industry for years may have blind spots that limit the company’s growth and profitability. Training and mentoring will help fill any critical gaps.

Steve Rosvold

Boards and CEOs Rely On These 4 Activities For Sound Financial Management
accounting pillar
Board of Directors and CEOs rely on Chief Financial Officers. They rely on them to explain the past, see the future and provide insight into corporate planning and decision making. Of course, the operational tasks of liquidity management, margin analysis and asset utilization are also first tier responsibilities of the CFO. While being a Board member or the CEO doesn’t require a degree in finance, good financial management is the result of having confidence all your CFO pillars are being responsibly managed. These pillars are made up of four specific activities. In this article we’ll walk through each one and share some tools to help you improve these four pillars. · Timely and Accurate Recording and Reporting Systems · Treasury Management Skills · Business Planning and Business Growth · Governance and Controls Learn about each activity in the full article.



Governance & Controls – structure and controls.

Transaction Recording – systems, transaction processing and closing the books.

Reporting - efficient, timely and accurate information for decision making and meeting compliance requirements.

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Business Planning - provide the financial roadmap for the company with supporting analytics.

Financial Forecasting - integrate the company’s current performance relative to budget with the real-time business environment.

Investment Analysis - the framework to analyze new opportunities as they present themselves.

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Cash Management - the discipline to ensure cash is available to operate the business normally.

Funding - Planning for and raising funds to meet the needs of the business.

Risk Management – Identification and mitigation of key business risks.

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Self-Awareness - Internal.

Team Building - External.

Strategy & Culture – Motivate people to follow you.

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Four Pillars of Executive Expertise

CFO.University is built around the Four Pillars of CFO Success. These Pillars are supported with Core Competencies. Our framework allows you to master your role as a senior financial officer. The Four Pillars are made up of:

Accounting – Governance & Controls, Transaction Recording and Reporting

Finance – Business Planning, Financial Forecasting and Investment Analysis

Treasury – Cash Management, Funding (Capital Raising) and Risk Management

Leadership – Self Awareness, Team Building and Strategy & Culture

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